Pressing into Jesus when all else is crumbling…
Sometimes I really don’t know which one is better, the hype of the holiday season approaching & preparing my house for it or the actual holiday but I LOVE the fourth quarter of every year. It is a little tougher because a few loved ones have transitioned to heaven outside of the season of life that I preferred. However, I am not God so I do not set birth or death dates -yet there is a time for each.
Let’s shift our focus a bit because we have an opportunity to grow spiritually as we trust the Lord to give us fresh ideas & renewed hope so that we can encourage others by loving them well. Scripture challenges us to seek God, focus on kingdom things
– be intentional about loving people well, be kind, gentle, caring – live from the heart, a lifestyle devoted to Christ.
You may ask: How can I? What does that look like?
Donate a well prepared meal (if you’re not a cook, I do not suggest you practice during this time), invite a family over, adopt a family for the holidays, volunteer for the toy drive, take your children out to buy gifts instead of giving away “gently” used items. You know for Christmas children like new, exciting things.
There are also the forgotten, the single parents that work hard to provide, the elderly that have no one.
The unhoused or those that need shelter in our community.
We take our blessings for granted & consider them ordinary things but God, inspires us and is able to work all things together for our good. Keep trusting Him, Keep believing Him. Allow Him to show you the plans He has for you this holiday season.
What can you do to be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone in this community?
Yaquia W