parent-child Dedication

Committing our children to the Lord

A symbol of church and family partnership

Being a parent is a tremendous blessing, joy, and responsibility and can be especially daunting when attempted alone. Abraham was willing to accept great, personal sacrifice to literally give his son Isaac back to the Lord. Parent Child Dedication is an opportunity to give children back to God in modern times. It’s a special event in the early life of a child and is symbolic of the church and parents’ commitments to partnering together in raising children in a Christ-following home and church family. This dedication is a time to publicly acknowledge God’s roles as Creator and Father and to celebrate what God has done and will do in each child’s life.

Parent Child Dedication is a special program led by Pastor Jordan Easley and available to all First Baptist Cleveland members.

Learn how Parent-Child Dedication works

We will come alongside you in this great adventure of being a parent.

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