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First Baptist Cleveland is Jesus-ruled and Bible-governed. The church is Pastor/Staff-led, Deacon-served, lay team operated and congregationally approved. The church is member-gifted and ministerially focused on fulfilling the Great Commission.
Servant leadership is the primary purpose of a Deacon at First Baptist Cleveland. Deacons serve in a myriad of important ministry roles, including encouragement, prayer, visitation, pastoral care and practical help in areas related to serving the church body and community.
The Bible requires deacons to demonstrate certain qualities; respect, integrity, self-control, generosity, spiritual maturity, husband of one wife, household leader, etc. (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1) Deacons are also expected to be members of the church, and have a history of serving and giving to the church.
The opportunity to nominate deacons is open through October 2023.
First Baptist Cleveland is a Great Commission focused church.