The WELl - Daily Devotion 11/8

Colossians 3:12–17


Do you ever find relationships difficult? Why do you think that is?


People, including ourselves, are sinful. We are selfish and we only tend to see things from our own perspective. This can make relationships frustrating.


In Colossians three Paul encouraged the early believers to take off their sinful nature, like they would take off a coat, and to put on the character of Christ. After all, he says, you are chosen, holy, and dearly loved children of God. Because of this, we should manage our relationships different than the rest of the world.


Paul gave the Colossians a list of how they should treat each other and sums it up with this… Above all of these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.


  • In which of your relationships are you struggling to exhibit Christlike characteristics today?
  • Out of all of the actions that Paul tells us to put on, which are you best at? Which one is the most difficult for you?
  • Pray asking that God would give you all you need to exhibit Christlike love in your relationships. Take the necessary steps to love well today.

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